An online payment with your credit card is very simple. For security reasons we do not keep your card details on file.
Credit Card payment:
1. After you have indicated that you wish to decline, choose your credit card as payment method.
2. On the payment page, you then choose the type of credit card you want to pay with.
3. Must then fill in your full credit card number as well as the expiration date and the 3-digit security code, also known as CVC code or security code (these are the last 3 digits on the back of your credit card).
4. After the payment is complete, you will return to the website of Moreover, you will receive an email from confirming your purchase.
With PayPal you can make payments online securely and quickly with or without a PayPal account. The accepted payment options at PayPal can be found below:
1. Bank transfers.
2. Credit cards.
3. PayPal account holders can make a transfer directly via their PayPal account.
4. You go through four steps to pay for a purchase:
Click on the payment buttons next to the selected objects.
If you have a PayPal account, log in to your account. If you do not have a PayPal account, enter the payment information on a PayPal-protected web page.
You check and complete the purchase on PayPal.
You will then return to
If you place an order with you can indicate that you want to pay in advance by bank / giro when you order. Click on this option for payment options. You fill in your details, check your order and when everything is correct you send the order. You will then receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail. You transfer the invoice amount within 14 days to our bank account. These details are stated on the order confirmation. After your payment has been received we will send your order.
IBAN nr: NL89RABO0167786725
VAT number: NL187417878B02
Weereweg 28a
1732 LL Lutjewinkel
An iDEAL payment works almost the same as internet banking by your trusted bank. You pay in your own payment environment and go through the same steps as you are used to in internet banking. The only difference with iDEAL is that the payment with all data is ready for you. This is the most common payment method in the Netherlands. iDEAL is an online payment option that allows you to pay safely and quickly and is reliable. For security reasons we do not keep your card details on file.
iDeal payment:
1. After you have indicated that you wish to dispose of products, you choose iDEAL as the payment method.
2. Then you select the bank where you arrange payments online.
3. You will then come to a page where you will see the familiar payment program from your own bank. The details of your order have already been filled in for you.
4. After approval of the payment (via the usual payment method of your bank) you will receive a confirmation from your own bank.
5. After the payment is complete, you will return to the website of Afterwards you will receive an email from confirming your purchase.
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