Mantras are used, among other things, to open the heart, to increase receptiveness, to reach higher states of consciousness, to effect healing or to mitigate the effects of bad karma. Mantras can be recited aloud, or quietly and purely spiritually, making it possible to consciously experience the enlightening and blissful nature of the mind.
The primal sound, which is approached by the AUM, also called OHM (pronouncement OM), is the foundation of all Mantras. It is the original mantra that arose at the time of creation, the moment when the separation occurred between 'me' and 'not-me'. According to the science of the mantras, this primordial sound is potentially present in the basic chakra "muladhara". It is said that the 52 sounds, represented by the 52 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, come from that one sound.
The sound AUM should exist in three separate resonant sounds, which must be of equal duration and gradually merge into each other. AH is recited in the umbilical region, OE behind the sternum and MM in the throat, nose and forehead cavity.
There are 170 ways to make the AUM sound and every way has a different effect. The most common ways are: to keep the vowel long, which affects the surrounding world; keep the consonant for as long as possible, causing the singer to become miserable. When this is done at the beginning of a meditation, it helps to harmonize the different bodies harmonically, as it magnetizes each particle and attracts the beneficent forces.
Hein Braat
Hein Braat is one of the best known mantra singers in The Netherlands, but he is also well known in many other countries. Most people who are interested in Eastern philosophies will have already learned about his melodious and deep-penetrating pure voice. In our range mantra we have the whole music collection of Hein Braat, discover them below.
Om Namaha Shivaya - Brahma Murari
Hein Braat, with his more than unique voice, sings the ancient Mantra Om Namaha Shivaya. Listen to it as a meditation or sing along to immediately experience the 'invigorating' feeling that awakens this Mantra. In the Indian devotion this Mantra is used a lot and there are countless interpretations of it. But anyway, the essence of this Mantra is and remains: "I honor the Self in me". The constant recitation of this Mantra, patient and surrendered, could result in nothing less than the Enlightenment. In any case, this Mantra brings peace and reflection. Listen or join the impressive voice of Hein Braat and discover the silence within yourself. Also on this CD is the beautiful Mantra Brahma Murari.
Om Mani Padme Hum - Om
The CD is a meditation in itself. By singing along yourself you can experience the power of one of the most used and best known Buddhist Mantras. This Mantra, also called the Mani, is said to be the seat of all Mantras. If you have forgotten your own or a Mantra for a special purpose, then this Om Mani Padme Hum (in Tibetan Om Mani Peme Hum) can always be used as Mantra of all Mantras. The six syllables "Om - Ma - Ni - Path - Me - Hum" are dedicated to and will call Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Let Hein Braat enchant you with his voice. The ancient and very deeply working Mantra 'Om' fills the second part of this CD.
Kali Mantra - Narayana - Om Namaha Shivaya
The Mantra for worship and celebration of "Shakti". We live in the age of Kali, where the revival of all feminine aspects of the Divine is everywhere. The Kali Mantra is about the trinity of creation, salvation and destruction. Kali often has a negative meaning, but nothing is less true: it is the imagination of the natural cycles, the creation and the giving of the new life. Shakti / Kali is life itself.
Kali Mantra is the recognition and worship of the deepest of every creation, it is the metaphor of total liberation from suffering, by destroying everything new life is created. Kali appears in times when chaos and destruction must be reversed in Love and Balance. A Mantra that will touch you deeply. On this CD, in addition to a shortened version of the Om Namaha Shivaya Mantra, the Narayana is also chanted, in which the innumerable names of the Higher are recited. A fantastic CD, touches deep into your being.
Gayatri Mantra - Maha Mrityeonjaya Mantra
One of the most beautiful and well-known Mantras is the Gayatri Mantra. An invocation to free the soul from ignorance and darkness and to get clarity in our insights - like the sunlight. Insights to go that path, where our hearts will be enlightened and we can reach an ever higher state of spirituality.
The second track on this CD is the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. And that is not just one! This Mantra is considered to rejuvenate us, to preserve good health, to promote well-being and prosperity and to ensure a long life in peace, love, prosperity and satisfaction. That sounds like a lot, but just listen with all your heart. It is the Mantra of Shiva. It awakens the Shiva power in you and puts an end to mortal fear and frees you from the circle of life and death. More than impressive.